Pretty Girl [A Lullaby]

Pretty Girl [A Lullaby] #

Background #

It is time for a song that I have written. Not for a lost love, or a woman I was in love with, but for another queer woman who I am friends with… Trying to be friends with again. And I wrote this song for her daughter. And I wrote it, I think around her daughter’s first birthday. And, um, we fell out of contact due to some actions on her part. But she recently reached out to me again. So, I’m hoping that the good energy that this song puts into the world will help heal our friendship, because I really miss her, and I really miss being a part of her daughter’s life. Um, I’m fairy goddaughter to many chil– fairy godMOTHER to many children all around the world, but it’s different to be a fairy godmother to a child in person. And that’s something I really miss being a part of my life.
So, this song goes out to all the queer moms, um, or moms of queer kids, um, who don’t understand that they’re in control. And don’t hear enough that they’re strong in ways that isn’t just through survival. Because there’s, like, the strength of women, like, “Oh, women are so strong, they can endure.” But I’m not talking about endurance. I’m talking about, like, power. I’m talking about feeling like you have actionable paths in front of you and that you’re in control of how you navigate those actions. Um, that’s different than being able to endure, which I think the strength of women is often implied to be. Um, and this song isn’t just for women, it can be for anyone who needs a lullaby, who needs to hear that they’re more than what they look like, or more than the thing they’re known best for. I didn’t just write it for my friend and her daughter, I also wrote it for myself, because it’s things I need to hear too.

Kate Nyx S01E20029

Lyrics #

Pretty girl, pretty girl
You're more than just pretty, girl
You will take this city, girl
You will save the world
They will love you for your heart
They will love you for your art
I'll love you till I fall apart
My pretty, pretty girl

You can't see it but I know
I see it as I watch you grow
I pray that time will start to slow
I pray the world stands still
So I can save this in my head
As I tuck you into bed
I never want to forget
I pray I never will

You teach me something every day
I watch you dance and watch you play
As I wipe your tears away
I see you standing tall
You are more than what they think
Like books are more than pad and ink
You're more than just the color pink
You can do it all